Communicating means making other persons know our wishes,hopes,dreams etc!
I am trying to communicate with you through words written in English language.
People communicate using a language.For deaf and dumb there is a special sign language . Even otherwise
sign language is used as in the Traffic Control .There are special traffic signs. Use of icons is another example of
communicating .
You communicate by speaking,writing or using an equipment.
While communicating through speech quite a number of considerations arise:
Audible volume,audience size,pitch etc.Equipment :Telephone,Microphone and
Speakers,infrastucture such as cables,modems,satellites etc,
Written communication has certain advantages ( also certain disadvantages) vis-a-vis oral communication.Try
to figure out and make a note of the advanatages and disadvantages.
If you are interested in knowing more about "Communication" please click on the link given at the end of
this page.