topic of Public Speaking has been covered under seven heads.
Platform Presence and Audience.
Give proper attention to your appearance (what you wear ,how you dress etc.),pay attention to the expressions and movement
of the audience, display affection and warmth, have a positive attitude with respect to the things to be accomplished.
Audience Likes and Dislikes
Studies have brought out the following results:
Audience like simple language, plain and direct
expression, short sentences…Expect that the Speaker should know the subject well, be time-conscious
and easy to follow.
(deal one point at a time ,delivery should be reasonably slow, deliberate and provided with proper
pauses).Speaker should be sincere, enthusiastic…display feelings, emotion
and enthusiasm.
Audience dislikes: Too long in getting started,
too many points, too low or too loud voice, uninteresting speech opening , trying to be funny, a monotone ,poor enunciation..
This involves. .assembling ( thoughts, information
,facts), arranging and assimilating.
Borden`s formula
Ho Hum! (introducing a subject so as to attract
Why bring that up? ( explaining .origin,reasons,effects,implications..)
For instance.
( giving examples, illustrations to make the subject easy to understand)
So what?
( what action needs to be taken…by the audience/authorities/population )
Appealing to the personal interest of the audience helps in getting attention,involvent
and participation.
Effective ways of opening a speech: : by a question/quotation /story/startling statement/ an exhibit… taking
advantage of local circumstances…by a conversational statement of facts.
Effective ways of closing a speech: by a summary/quotation/peroration (bringing thoughts ,language, voice and emotion to a climax)
No speech need necessarily fall/ squarely fall under one classification.(Informative/Persuasive/Entertaining/Graceful)
Speech Delivery
Avoid strain on the audience…voice should
be loud enough ..avoid monotone…voice should be pleasant. Keep language
simple ..sentences short and clear in meaning. Audience like enthusiasm…speak with feeling and conviction.
Use conversational tone.(select one or two persons
somewhere towards the back in the audience and start speaking to one of them..Later look squarely at the audience and sweep
it with the eyes as you speak. Eyes are windows of the soul.Speaker can use the
audience as the barometer of the of the effect of his words.)
Carry cards or notes as an aid while delivering your address.
It is desirable that speaker should address the Chair at least once or twice during the course of the speech.
Microphone Technique and Broadcasting.
Radio station regulations demand that speech should
be written out completely and timed to fit it exactly with the time allotted to the talk .Use thick quality of paper
to avoid rattling of paper. Make the speech interesting by live illustrations,human
interest stories
or word pictures. The beginning should be attention-compelling
,interesting or curiosity arousing.
Read your speech several times to familarise yourself
with the material and gain fluency., pay attention to sound effects, ‘S’ should not be used often to avoid ‘whistle’.
Strive at variation in speed, pitch and tone.
Preparing a Persuasive Speech
Broadly speaking the Borden`s formula is an effective
one in preparing a persuasive speech.
Tactful speaker uses techniques of persuasion that do not give the impression to the audience that it
is being driven to any particular
direction. Speaker opens and follows
it up by a number of suggestions of a broadminded nature, which every section of the
audience might agree with.(This is ‘Yes,response’
technique.)…appeals to the personal interest …uses the technique of ‘grafting the belief to the one which already existed in the mind of
the audience…..
Entertaining Speech
Think deeply on the subject before approaching
joke-books or other sources of humour.
A well-read person
need not necessarily have the gift of Humour. Good observation of funny traits among people around you, some unreasonable beliefs among different communities, activities and rules and regulations
peculiar a profession or a calling provide raw materials for preparing an Entertaining
(Source: Personal lessons in Public Speaking :Prof.C.Cowasji,B.A.)