Two important things that determine one`s happiness are:
(1)Health and (2)Hygiene
*Pay proper attention to your health.
Nutritious and Timely Diet.
Avoiding injurious items:Tobacco,Drugs,liquor.
Physical Exercise:Minimum 20 to 30 minutes.
Meditation/Yoga :20 to 30 minutes.
Periodic Medical check-up.
It is very important to pay special attention to Hygiene.
"Prevention is better than Cure."
Brush teeth at least once a day using good toothpaste.
(or toothpowder)
Good toilet habits should be cultivated as early as
Everyday bath..
Keeping environment clean and tidy.
Using disinfectants as and where needed.
Regular laundry routine.
Regular disposal of trash.
Paste & Termite Control as and where needed.